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Food and Feed Additive Location:Home -> Food and Feed Additive
Product Name L-Lysine
Company Catalog TOPC-0251
CAS No. 56-87-1
Specifications ≥98.5%
Packaging 25KGS/Craft Bag,1000KGS/Big Bag
Product Description

Product Name

Feed grade Lysine 98.5%/L-lysine HCL

L-lysine HCl is the hydrochloride salt of L-lysine, an essential amino acid and is a main component in structural proteins, such as elastin and collagen, as well as being involved in the production of many hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Because L-lysine is an essential amino acid, it is not synthesized in the human body and must be supplied by dietary intake or supplementation.L-lysine supplements are necessary for protein synthesis and provide support for healthy metabolic and immune system function.


Product Description

Lysine sulphate 70% is a high-density dustless fluidity particle. It is combined with 55%of pure lysine(about 70% lysine sulphate), besides it also has more than 15% of other amino acid, which can provide with animal full and balance nutrition needed. It is the limiting amino acid for pigs and the second for poultry. The level of dietary l-lysine concentration significantly influences on the growth performance and feed efficiency. Supplementing l-lysine in dietary could balance the amino acid profile in the formula and fulfill the requirements of animals to optimize the technico-economic result of production.

Functions of Feed Additive Lysine

1. It belongs to vitamin B sort. It is nutrition consolidating additives for biologic body.

2. lysine HCL can improve the ability of resisting illness and accelerate the growth for biology. 

3. It is the elementary component to guarantee the nerve system to work and affect the metabolizing action of carotene and Vitamin A. 

DOSAGE of Lysine Hcl 98.5%

Recommended Dosage(g/ton)

According to the formula indicating discretion to add, usually for the full price is expected to 0.5% to 2.5% .


Copyright:Top Pharm Chemical Group 陕ICP备10005135号-1 [Manage] [E-mail] 

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