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Diphemanil Methylsulfate
Product Name Diphemanil Methylsulfate
Company Catalog Quaternary ammonium anticholinergic
CAS No. 62-97-5
Specifications USP 38,EP 8.6, BP2015 CP 2015,JP
Packaging 25kgs/Drum;5KGS/Tin
Product Description

Diphemanil Methylsulfate

Used in the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastric hyperacidity, and hypermotility in gastritis and pylorospasm, and in the treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive perspiration).
Diphemanil Methylsulfate is a quaternary ammonium anticholinergic. It binds muscarinic acetycholine receptors and thereby decreases secretory excretion of stomach acids as well as saliva and sweat.
Diphemanil Methylsulfate exerts its action by primarily binding the muscarinic M3 receptor. M3 receptors are located in the smooth muscles of the blood vessels, as well as in the lungs. This means they cause vasodilation and bronchoconstriction. They are also in the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which help in increasing intestinal motility and dilating sphincters. The M3 receptors are also located in many glands which help to stimulate secretion in salivary glands and other glands of the body.

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