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Plant Extract and Monomer Location:Home -> Plant Extract and Monomer
Product Name 5-HTP(5-Hydroxytryptamine)
Company Catalog TOPA-0240
CAS No. 56-69-9
Specifications 98%HPLC
Packaging 25kg/drum
Product Description

Ghana Seed Extract  5 HTP

Appearence:Gray White powder

Part Used:Seed

Sourse of Plant:Ghana

Main Application:

5-HTP is helpful in treating a wide variety of conditions related to low serotonin levels,including the following : improving in mood,anxiety,insomnia,and physical symptons.

Reducing depressing and fibromyalgia.

Being effective in various type of headaches including tesion headache and migraines

Decreasing food intake and weight loss

Copyright:Top Pharm Chemical Group 陕ICP备10005135号-1 [Manage] [E-mail] 

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