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植物提取物及单体 当前位置:首页 -> 植物提取物及单体
产品名称 左旋多巴
公司目录 TOPA-0277
CAS号 59-92-7
规格标准 98%HPLC
包  装 25kg/桶

Use: Accelerate muscle growth,weight reduction,increase sexual function.

Plant source: Seed of Mucuna macrocarpa Wall

CAS: 59-92-7

Spec.: Levodopa 99%

Testing method: HPLC

Heavy metal: < 10PPM

Microbe standard:BP2007

Total plate count: < 1000CFU/ g

Mold and yeast: < 100CFU/ g

Escherichia coli: Not found

Salmonella: Not found

Storage: In cool and dry place, avoid light

Useful life: 2 years.

Packing: In cardboard drum lined with two-layer non-toxic plastic bag(10 kg/drum, 25kg/drum) or upon client's request.

版权所有1顶点医药化工集团 陕ICP备10005135号-1 技术支持:西安网站建设-众力网络 [后台管理] [企业邮箱] [企业邮箱总管理员] 

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